Quienes Somos

At De Piel Tierra, we’re revolutionizing health and skin-care practices by addressing the root causes of illness, not just treating surface-level symptoms. Our approach is holistic, digging deep into every layer of your being- physical, emotional, mental and spiritual- to create a transformative, personalized path to wellness.


En De Piel Tierra, estamos revolucionando las prácticas de salud y cuidado de la piel al abordar las causas fundamentales de las enfermedades, no solo tratando los síntomas superficiales. Nuestro enfoque es holístico y profundiza en cada capa de su ser (física, emocional, mental y espiritual) para crear un camino transformador y personalizado hacia el bienestar.

The Touch The Art of Reconnecting With Your Divine Femenine- MISSION

In a world that often neglects the importance of tactile connection, self-touch empowers us to reclaim our bodies and emotions. It becomes a language of its own, facilitating inner dialogue and self-discovery, where healing, communication, and emotional expression can flourish. By embracing self-touch as a vital aspect of emotional intimacy, we honor our need for connection—not just with others, but with ourselves.


─ Body awareness through the practice of self-touch, fostering a deeper emotional connection with yourself
─ An overall better understanding of the psycho-emotional body, enhancing emotional intimacy and self-awareness
─ Simple yet potent touch & movement sequences, designed to be integrated into your daily self-care routine, helping to cultivate inner connection and release stored emotions

Touch is the first sense we develop in the womb.

Touch is at the heart of our essence.

Touch is always with us.

Our hands are an extension of our heart.

We are touch.